cowhide bag 1:1 Copy description and price black Dior Handbag women
Dior bag Super Clone picture and price, Handbag bag replica details and pricing, cowhide bag 1:1 Copy description and price
The black Lady D-Sire small oil wax leather black, with three dot diamond badges, this season’s new collection launch show highlights, drawing inspiration from the classic elegance of Lady Dior handbags. Crafted in black pleated cow leather, it has been reinterpreted to highlight casual styles and create an urban look. Accessorize with an oversized rattan patterned top line and a matte metallic D.I.O.R. in the same hue Hanging accessories, add modern style. Small style, chic design, shoulder strap can be decorated with a classic badge to highlight personality, can be carried or crossbody. The wide shoulder strap contains three badges
Dimensions: 26 x 15 x 8 cm
Model M1150 delivery full package white gift box
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